TreeSet is a class in Java that implements the SortedSet interface and provides a sorted, navigable set of elements, where elements are stored in a tree-based data structure. TreeSet maintains elements in ascending order, according to their natural order or a custom comparator that is provided during the creation of the TreeSet. Here's an explanation of TreeSet and its advantages:
* TreeSet is a class that implements the SortedSet interface in Java.
* It is an ordered collection of elements that are stored in a tree-based data structure.
* TreeSet is used to maintain a sorted set of unique elements.
* It is similar to the HashSet and LinkedHashSet classes, but it stores elements in a sorted order.
* TreeSet provides methods to navigate the set in both directions (ascending and descending order).
1. TreeSet(): This creates an empty TreeSet that is sorted according to the natural order of its elements.
2. TreeSet(Collection<? extends E> c): This creates a TreeSet containing the elements of the specified collection, sorted according to their natural order.
3. TreeSet(Comparator<? super E> comparator): This creates an empty TreeSet that is sorted according to the specified comparator.
4. TreeSet(SortedSet<E> s): This creates a TreeSet containing the elements of the specified sorted set, sorted according to the same ordering.
1.add(E e): This adds the specified element to the TreeSet.
2. remove(Object o): This removes the specified element from the TreeSet.
3.contains(Object o): This returns true if the TreeSet contains the specified element.
4. size(): This returns the number of elements in the TreeSet.
5. clear(): This removes all elements from the TreeSet.
6. isEmpty(): This returns true if the TreeSet contains no elements.
7. iterator(): This returns an iterator over the elements in the TreeSet, in ascending order.
8. descendingIterator(): This returns an iterator over the elements in the TreeSet, in descending order.
9. first(): This returns the first (lowest) element currently in the TreeSet.
10. last(): This returns the last (highest) element currently in the TreeSet.
11. headSet(E toElement): This returns a view of the portion of the TreeSet whose elements are less than the specified element.
12. tailSet(E fromElement): This returns a view of the portion of the TreeSet whose elements are greater than or equal to the specified element.
13. subSet(E fromElement, E toElement): This returns a view of the portion of the TreeSet whose elements range from the specified fromElement (inclusive) to the specified toElement (exclusive).
14. comparator(): This returns the comparator used to order the elements in the TreeSet, or null if the natural ordering is used.
* TreeSet maintains a sorted order of elements, which makes it ideal for situations where elements need to be maintained in a particular order.
* It is much faster than other sorted collection classes like ArrayList or LinkedList for adding, removing, or searching elements in a collection with large amounts of data.
* TreeSet can be used to implement operations like range queries, floor and ceiling searches, and nearest-neighbor queries efficiently.
* TreeSet provides methods like first(), last(), headSet(), and tailSet() which can be used to retrieve subsets of the TreeSet.
* TreeSet allows for custom ordering of elements by providing a custom comparator during the creation of the TreeSet.
In summary, TreeSet is a useful class for maintaining a sorted collection of unique elements. Its tree-based data structure allows for fast search, insertion, and deletion operations, making it ideal for large collections of data. Its ability to navigate the set in both ascending and descending order, and retrieve subsets of the TreeSet based on their ordering, make it